3 Additional Changes You Can Do to Make Senior Homes Safer and More Comfortable

The needs of seniors when it comes to the comforts of a home change over time. What might be a comfortable house to them in the past might no longer be a good one once illness sets in. If you want to ensure the comfort of your senior family member in senior homes in Vancouver, here are the additional changes you have to make:

1. Consider adding smart systems. 

Smart systems can improve the efficiency of the home and make it easier to run. You can teach your senior loved-one how to operate the systems at home using only a phone. This will make it easier for seniors to do the things that need to be done at home. 

You can also install smart systems for the safety of your family members. For instance, if your loved one forgot to turn off the lights, you can do that remotely. 

2. Add more lighting. 

Seniors who have difficulty seeing in darker and dimmer surroundings become more prone to accidents. Add more lighting to the home of your senior family member to prevent this from happening. Adding more lighting to senior homes in Vancouver also prevents a health problem called sundowning where seniors suffering from dementia can change behaviorally in response to the diminishing light in their surroundings.

3. Declutter and keep the home simple and minimalistic. 

Too much clutter will make senior homes feel stuffy and stressful. By keeping the home simple and minimalistic, your senior loved one can enjoy living there and can avoid accidents brought about by having too much stuff. 

If you need help in taking care of your senior loved one, you can get the services of Home Instead who will make senior care a lot easier. 

For more details about Home Health Care Vancouver please visit our website: homeinstead.ca/3039


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