Tips to Manage Your Time When Taking Care of a Senior Parent

Taking care of a senior parent can be time-consuming and energy-draining. Without proper planning, you could end up tired and stressed out because you have no more time for yourself.

Here are some of the things that you can do to manage your time properly:

1.   Make a to-do list

Create a to-do list so you know what activities and chores you have to do for the day. That will reduce the mental stress that you have and will allow you to go through your day more efficiently. 

Keep in mind that you don’t have to do everything at once. If you can put it off, save it for the next day.

2.   Get the help that you need

Learn how to delegate tasks. If there are other people in your home that can take over some of the tasks such as cleaning and washing clothes, let them help.

Don’t be afraid to get professional senior care in Vancouver.  You don’t need to do everything on your own. Home Instead can provide senior care in Vancouver that will put you at ease. You can do the things that you want to do without worrying about the welfare of your senior loved one.

3.   Get rid of low-impact, high-energy activities

Before starting your day, determine which of your activities are low-impact ones but require so much energy to complete. Ditch them. Get rid of them because they won’t contribute to your life. Focus more of your energy on high-impact activities.

Learn how to manage your time and energy wisely.

To Know more details about Senior living in Vancouver please visit our website:


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